Flexible by nature

Since its creation, Petroplast has been known for its high quality in the manufacture of flexible plastic tubes.

Research, development and innovation in flexible plastic tubes.

30+ years’ experience

Petroplast is a family business founded in 1990 and based in Logroño. Since the outset, the main goal has been maximum quality in the manufacture of flexible plastic tubes, a fast service and its constant personalised attention.

Quality and innovative design

We make a wide range of tubes and caps with a choice of designs thanks to the use of the latest technology and different techniques, always based on maximum customer satisfaction.

Continuous improvement

Petroplast is at the forefront of plastic tube manufacture as shown by its strong commitment to optimisation, development and innovation, as the basic pillars of this path it has been carving out for itself over the years.
Today it has the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality certification, the Ecocert certificate and it belongs to AIMPLAS (the Spanish Technological Institute for Plastic), the ITENE Technology Centre (Technological Institute for packaging, transport and logistics) and ETMA (European Tube Manufacturers Association)

A highly skilled team

We have a skilled team of people committed to the company’s professional development and growth.


From start to finish, in each project there is a close collaboration with the customer in order to ensure the success of the required tube.


We have our own laboratory for carrying out the analysis of the compatibility between product and packaging. We produce from 5,000 units upwards with approximately 4 to 6 weeks delivery times.

Study of the ideal color varieties for each plastic tube

Social Responsibility

We are committed to people and to the planet.
We invest in the CNIO cancer research organisation and in local sports initiatives supporting young people

in the world

Our plastic tubes reach all over the world.